How to use Yelp API for my Ruby program
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In this article, I am going to talk about how I use Yelp API in my CLI project. It includes my understanding of API, some important concepts you have to know before you use API, and how to hide your API key. If you like, click here to my article about the whole CLI program.
I never heard of API until recently when I work on my CLI program. Actually, what I am trying to do through the program is to get information to help myself and my other parent friends to find the best daycare center in the neighborhood. Without too much thinking, I decide to use Yelp to look for information since it has a lot of users around America and even the whole world and therefore, should provide more opinions with great variety.
At first, I got information from Yelp by scraping from the website. “Why don’t you use API?” However, after I talked to my tutor Beth, she asked me that and I decided to challenge myself and use API even I never heard of it before she mentioned that. While to a lot of great developers out there, API may be very easy things, but to me, it took me a long time to finally get to understand a bit of its concept and usage. So here, I am not trying to make a tutorial talk about API, but actually just trying to write down what I know or understand about API, like making notes for the future me. The rest of the article talks about just my basic understanding of API after I have done some research. Therefore, they might not be super accurate. Please e-mail me when you find something wrong, thanks!
1. My understanding: what is API?
Literally, API means Application Programming Interface. But I didn’t really know what that means at first. After I have been doing some research, I got this impression that API is a way for a software to communicate with another, or to many other softwares. Usually, when we, as human being users, surf the Internet using web browser, we send a request and get some vivid images or attractive layout more than just plain text information we want. In the API case, since it is software to software, compelling presentation is not necessary, so it will return with only the “meat”, the information we want. The format it has is usually very simple and easy to utilize.
What’s more, compared to scraping, which requires you to go through all the HTML documents and find the nodes and tags and everything, API is easier as you can usually get the result back by using the link it gives you and passing some specific parameters in query strings. Also, I feel like compared to scraping, a website or a software should be happier to offer API instead of letting people secretly doing things on data and maybe cause unknown problems or dangers to the program itself. By the specific API keys or Client IDs, a program that gives out those is more possible to track data like who is using this API and what are clients using those for stuff like that. I believe those are of great business value. As for what are API keys or Client IDs, I am going to illustrate now.
2. My understanding: some concepts you need to know before using API
- Authentication
As I know, some APIs you can use without any kind of authentication, but most of them do require one because as I mention above, API providers want to track a lot of information from whoever is using their API, therefore, a key/value pair are required to identify clients so as to track them. There are client_id and API_key pair or client_id and client_secret pair. Make sure you read the document about how to use the key and value pair you have.
- Tools to send request and get response
There are a lot when I look it up online: httparty, faraday, http, etc, tools which you will pass parameters and the link that you get from the base software to and get a response from. Then you might get some JSONs, which you will have to parse before finding and using data.
3. An example: How to use Yelp API for my ruby program?
Ok, now I will explain how I use Yelp API to get the information I want.
- Authentication
Click here to go to yelp and then follow the instruction to get an API key first.
- Endpoints documents
Go here and read documents in detail. Under the “Endpoints” column are all features that Yelp API can implement. The table underneath explains very well. You will find “Name”,” Path” and “Description” columns in the table. “Name” and “Description” of the endpoints are easy to understand, basically just illustrating what it does. As for the “Path”, you will need to combine that with the base url that is provided right under “Endpoints” column–“”. For example, if you want to do some business search, the url you will have to pass to the http, or faraday, or httparty, or any other tools you will use is : “”.
According to the description of different endpoints, you can find the one you think match your app the most and then click into the path to see details like the query strings. You can pass the parameters in query string like this: add “?” after the url, and then add parameters like “paras=value” and connect different parameter queries with “&”. Let’s say, if you want to query daycare centers in a place where zip code is 80120, you want to check out the table on this page first: . Then you will know the keyword query string for “daycare centers” should be “term”, and for the zip code “80120” is “ location”, so the whole url will become:
- Install and require http and JSON
Add dependencies in the gemspec file first like this :
spec.add_development_dependency “http”spec.add_development_dependency “json”
Let’s say, I use http in my Scraper.class , so I will have to put the following in the beginning of my Scraper.rb or whichever document you use as an environment document.
require "json"require "http"
- Hide your API key
As I mentioned above, API key is used to identify your app so you don’t want to give out your API key to anybody. The key is using a gem called `dotenv`.It makes sure you can store configuration in the environment separating from your codes. Here is a way to hide your key: Once you install `dotenv` and get your API key, try to create a file called `.env` the same level as the directory `bin` and `lib`. And then put "API_KEY=YOUR_API_KEY" in the `.env` document, then add `.env` to your `.gitignore` file to ensure the `.env` file will not be committed to github. Later on, if you want to access the key, just use ENV[API_KEY].
- Use HTTP class method in my Scraper.class
def, location) url = "#{API_HOST}#{SEARCH_PATH}" params = { term: term, location: location, limit: SEARCH_LIMIT, sort_by: "rating" } response = HTTP.auth("Bearer #{ENV['API_KEY']}").get(url, params: params)
# where you can get JSON back
response.parse# where you parse JSON to hash in rubyend
Now you should be able to use that API through `` method! API is a very powerful tool and I know that I am going to learn more in the recent future. I hope this helps you too! Thanks for reading this!