What I learn from my Music Library CLI lab of Flatiron School

Yingqi Chen
4 min readApr 9, 2020


Feel free to click My-music-library-lab to check out the full repo.

In this article, I want to talk about the first complex project I meet as a coding newbie in Flatiron school. And my lessons are: to set up an environment document and validate data is important!

Finally, after almost five days, I finished the Music Library CLI lab of Flatiron School. I might not be smart, but that is not the main reason why I spend so much time on this.

Music Library CLI project is a complicated lab to me, testing all I know about Ruby, and thus give me a chance to scrutinize what I have learned in these few days. Considering the process to finish the lab to be a review, I decided to go slowly. And I am happy to say that, yes, it helps me a lot, now I am more aware of avoiding to take things for granted and abstract things away. I am going to write down what I have learned exactly through examples, and hopefully, consolidate my understanding of Ruby.

1. Should I require relevant documents at the beginning of every ruby document? No, set up environment to store all the doc requirements!

It depends.

It confused me after I finish the required module `Findable` — what should I do to “tell” my other classes that “Hey, look for the module called `Findable`?” I went back to check the tutorial and two labs I completed before and finally figured out.

In the lab that describes a “story” that a kid tries to learn dancing moves from a dancer, I encapsulated the dancing move into a module so that both the `Dancer` class and `Kid` class can use the dancing move there, avoiding to copy and paste the same code (for the same dancing movements). Besides to `extend` or `include` the module, the classes also need to “find” the module. To do this, I put the following codes at the beginning of both class documents :

require_relative './class_methods_module.rb' require_relative './dance_module.rb' require_relative './fancy_dance.rb'

While in another lab, where I dealt with the relationship between a `Song` class and an `Artist` class and three other modules, I didn’t put any of `require_relative` statements but things still work.

The secret lies in a document that sets up the whole environment. Actually, in the second example, there is an `environment.rb` which requires all the documents already. The `spec_helper` `require_relative` the `environment.rbon.rb`. That means once the code starts to run, `spec_helper` will load the `environment.rb` right away and therefore set the whole “environment” up for the rest of the code running.

That is, in my understanding, actually another way to show an important property of coding: abstract. Because instead of copying and pasting the same “require_relative” statements on every class document, we encapsulate that process in the `environment.rb` document and never have to worry about that no more. Let’s say even I add another class without requiring the module, it will still run ok because the environment is set up from the beginning when `spec_helper` is loaded, having nothing to do with other documents.

2. Don’t take things for granted! Validate!

“Just do it” may be a good slogan for life or for sports, but from what I learned from this lab, it is probably wrong. When I came across a problem, I used to write codes down right away without thinking too much. But I got in trouble this time.

After I finished the basic work of setting up `Song`,`Artist`,`Genre` classes, I was on my way to fill up more codes to make sure that upon initialization of a new song, Artist `#add_song` is invoked to add itself to the artist’s collection of songs. Without thinking too much of it, I put the following codes:

def initialize(name, artist=nil,genre=nil)



When I run the codes, however, it broke down! Here was the error message I got:


1) Song #initialize accepts a name for the new song

Failure/Error: artist.add_song(self)


undefined method `add_song' for nil:NilClass

./lib/Song.rb:37:in `artist='

./lib/Song.rb:12:in `initialize'

./spec/001_song_basics_spec.rb:9:in `new'

./spec/001_song_basics_spec.rb:9:in `block (3 levels) in <top (required)>'

From the error message, it was obvious that the method broke down because artist=nil, and you cannot call that `add_song` on nil class. To prevent that, I should’ve made sure to only assign a value to `@artist` when the value is an instance of `Artist`.class. So I modified my codes:

def initialize(name, artist=nil,genre=nil)


self.artist=(artist) if artist.class==Artist

self.genre=(genre) if genre.class==Genre

Now it works, finally. Because if the value we assigned is an object from nil class, it will not even get to be assigned to `@artist`. Another example of my not thinking carefully before finalizing my code was about the `save` method. Basically, that is a method to adds the Song instance to the `@@all` class variable. It sounds very easy, so I wrote the following code within 30 seconds:

def save 	

So I can make sure a song will not be saved if there is already a copy of it in the `@@songs` array.

After these two examples, I learn that I should broaden my mind more and also practice more so that I will have more experiences, and thus be able to think of more possibilities when I design my codes more comprehensively.



Yingqi Chen
Yingqi Chen

Written by Yingqi Chen

Software engineer and a blockchain noob. Excited about the new world!!LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/yingqi-chen/

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